Monday, 24 January 2011


Last few days have been tough to say the least.  Sunday was again terrible.  I'm thinking of not playing a Sunday session anymore.  I start work at 6.30am until 6pm and then start grinding.  This just seems to be burning money and I find it difficult to stay focused.  Looking back through some bust out hands just makes this even more clear.  I absolutely butcher some of them if I'm honest :(.

Two weeks running now I have dusted off a decent chunk of my roll chasing a big cash in an MTT.  I think from now on I will not play MTTs on a Sunday unless I can wangle the day off form work.  I woke up this morning knowing I would have to put in some decent volume to try and recover from yesterday.  Unfortunately it's just gone from bad to worse so far.  I have played 2.2k hands so far today and dropped 6 buy ins.  I have been unlucky here and there but again emotion has got in the way at some stage.  With blasting money 2 weeks from MTTs and a pretty break even week at cash last week, having to move down to $25nl is becoming a possibility :(.  Hopefully that won't be the case but I'm fully prepared to drop down if need be.

It's become clear over the last week or so that I really need to work on my mindset and emotional state whilst playing.  I have noticed myself getting pretty angry over pretty std things, which is not a professional attitude towards the game at all.  If I want to progress any further in this game I have got to change this ASAP and not worry about the short term results and/or bad beats.  I guess I will talk to some friends about this, as I'm prepared to work very hard at improving this aspect of my game but if I'm honest I am not really sure how to improve it.

Well will get back at the tables and try pull some $$$ back :).  If I can stay focused and playing well I may well beat last Monday's most number of hands in a day record, but we'll see.  I definitely won't be playing if I'm steaming.

1 comment:

  1. Be cool dude, stay frosty and rememeber poker is a long term game with many a rise and fall. We all get bad runs and some nasty bad beats.

    You will be fine, just relax a little perhaps take a few days off even.
