Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Fish on a heater?

So since binking on Sunday (well almost binking) poker has been great.  The much needed boost to the bankroll has allowed me to move up in stakes.  Some people think this is a bad idea, as I don't have  big sample of beating 20nl.  However I think its fine as long as I'm willing to move down if needed.

So I'm now playing all my volume at $50nl.  I have a pretty big dilemma right now though.  I decided to play some 50nl on stars, seen as tho this is where I had the score.  I instantly loved playing there just like I did in tournaments.  I struggled playing 4 tables on iPoker but with stars superior software I could easily play 8.

But on iPoker I have a very good rakeback deal.  However having ta;led with a few regulars in the games SuperNova is attainable at 50nl, so I am considering going for it :O.  I will not make any decision yet tho.  Live poker was fun and I will write a post about that in the near future.

I have played almost 2k $50nl hands on stars over the last 2 days and here's the outcome :):

Running slightly above EV, which is always nice :).  I'm pretty sure this is a nice upswing to start my $50nl journey but hey I'll take it.  The games definitely seem beatable tho from what I have seen so far, but as I stated earlier I'm more than willing to move down if needed!


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