Saturday 11 December 2010

Another quick one :/

Volume was not something I worried about when making the switch to cash. When paying MTTs my shortest session was probably 5 hours and sometimes they could easily last over 12 hours.

However since playing cash I find it really difficult to focus for long sessions. I have only managed to play 8461 hands so far in December and my average session is right around 2 hours. My longest session is 4.5 hours but this involved some breaks.

I am not too concerned with the number of hands, as I am only playing between 4-6 tables and usually sticking with 4. I used to play up to 12 tables with MTTs but I wanted to keep the tables low for cash. The reason for this is simple, I am new to the game, so there the automatic decisions are not automatic to me yet.

My concern is that I am really struggling with playing long sessions.  i am not too sure of the reason.  I suspect its easier to stay focused in MTTs, as the longer the session the deeper you are for the most part, which helps you keep focused.  Another reason is that you are usually playing multiple formats, so you will have freezeouts, re buys, cubed tournaments, turbo, non turbo, etc.

I guess this is something I can talk to other players about to try and get some advice.  I think I'm going to leave the post here and this could be my first non tl;dr post :p

Good luck at the tables!